Checkers Bot

Basic AI for Strategic Games

This is a simple AI written in C, designed to play checkers. It accepts an input file detailing what pieces have moved where, and computes the best move from there using something called a recursive minimax decision tree. I'll explain here how it all works, and even how you can run it if you so wish. By the end, you'll be able to understand this image, and why it grants such a powerful technique.
Board Cost Example
What this program does first is it receives a position via an input file titled moves.txt, which contains on each line the source square and target square of each move sequentially. The program will decide whether each move is legal - rejecting the input if not. The moves.txt file then concludes with an A or P character followed by a newline, where A instructs the program to play one move after the position given, P instructs playing the next best 10 moves. Here is an example of one of those input files.
As output, the moves in the input file first get printed to the terminal, using a basic ASCII graphical representation - after which it prints the moves it calculates (these are indicated by * characters). For example, the starting board looks like this in the terminal:
Board Cost Example
But how do bots like this, and also those for games like Chess and Go, actually calculate these moves? For those unfamiliar, a minimax decision tree is the most fundamental model to any of these kinds programs which involve some sort of strategic decision making, especially in zero-sum games. Minimax trees are a concept initially arising from game theory, which has had widespread applications to AI involved in decision making - particularly in almost all zero-sum game scenarios.
Let's break it down. How it works at the basic level, is it will first take some strategic scenario as an input (which we can do here, via the moves.txt file). From that, it will then calculate every possible move the currently moving player (let's call them, Player A) can make in the provided scenario. For each of those possible moves, it then calculates each possible move the opposing player might make. This process repeats until it reaches some specified tree depth, at which point it stops calculating possible moves - we call the nodes at this depth terminal nodes. The depth of the search tree in this project is set as a constant and can reach about 6 or 7 layers before becoming too slow. For the technically familiar, techniques such as branch pruning, dynamic depth limits and positional evaluation metrics were not applied but are expanded on here .
Minimax tree
We can see how this creates what is known as the game tree. If we had an infinitely powerful computer (or a simple enough game), we can continue this process to eventually consider every single possibility of where the game might go from the current position. So even if we generate all these possible outcomes, what now? How does it actually decide which move to select?
Well when it has generated all the possible outcomes at these terminal nodes, only then does Minimax actually evaluate the board position. Now, how these terminal nodes are evaluated is a seperate problem - we need to find a way to know if a position is winning or losing. Quite simply, we can just count how many pieces each player has. Starting at 0, we add 1 for white, subtract 1 for black. This works out nicely, as a position that is good for Player A is usually a more positive number (like +3), and a position that is good for Player B is usually a more negative number (like -3) - a perfectly even position therefore should evaluate to 0. Note that this is a very simple method of evaluation. The top performing game engines will often go about this by training AI to recognise positions as good for one side or the other, and give it a number (to simplify). Note in the image below that the evaluation is referred to as cost:
Board Cost Example
So this is what we use to evaluate the terminal nodes - how good a position is. This brings us back to our original problem - how do we use this to choose a move. One might think it would be as easy as choosing whichever 'branch' has the board with the best position. But that won't quite work, as the opposing player can simply choose moves to avoid ever reaching that position.
What minimax trees do is they use a technique known as backpropagation. When a minimax tree evaluates all it's terminal nodes, we then employ the assumption that our opponent will play the best move possible at each turn (known as perfect play) - this is a great assumption, because if it's not true, then we're in even better stead because it means our opponent is playing sub-optimally.
To choose a move, firstly we want to choose a batch of terminal nodes which come from the same node - this node they all sprout from is called their parent node. Then what we do is, if it were white's turn at the parent node, we set that parent node's score equal to the maximum score of the terminal nodes - propagating the score of white's best possible move. Similarly if it we're black's move at the parent node, we would instead propagate up the minimum score of the terminal nodes - assuming again the player at this particular node will play their best move (remember we were subtracting black's piece count in our evaluation, so black want's the outcome with the lowest or most negative score possible as this implies they have more pieces). This is where the 'minimax' name comes from, as we end up alternating between propagating the maximum and minimum scores
We can do this with each set of nodes, repeatedly "propagating" the evaluation until the top layer is reached. At the top layer, we now have all an 'evaluation' of each move - we can just pick whichever is most desirable, dictating the move played.. This might take a bit of thinking for those not familiar with computing concepts like recursion and trees, but a good example of this propagation phase can be seen below. At position A, which would be the player with the white pieces, we would choose move B, can you see why?
Minimax tree propagation
That covers the basic details of how the bot works, and in fact, how most engines for zero-sum strategy games work. The project I did this for was to be submitted as a single file, so the unnecessarily bloated source code at this github repository simply contains one large file with it's header declarations included. Once cloned, it can be run in a terminal (with the gcc C-compiler installed) with the following commands. You can also freely modify moves.txt to input any position you like.
gcc -Wall -ansi -o runme checkersbot.c
./runme < moves.txt
This was the first project I ever truly worked on and had to "figure out", and while it may not necessarily be code with a cleanliness or design patterns I pride myself on, it was an initial leap I look back on as pivotal, introducing me at the time to the power held in even the most basic coding ability.